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Welcome to my 4 Week Handstand immersion series

Handstand is a commitment and this is a 4 week commitment to begin & deepen your journey to a Handstand, if you are ready to make that commitment then read on.
Starting from 10th of April, we commit ourselves for 4 consecutive Saturdays from 6- 8pm IST, 2:30-4:30pm CEST, 8:30-10:30am EDT
Each weekend working on different elements of the handstand while we revisit the previous drills
and exercises.
If you cannot attend Live you will get a video recording of the workshop to which you will lifetime access
Below is the schedule and contents of Each weekend
In each Workshop we will work on Handstands but focusing on enhancing different aspects each week.
  • Workshop 1, April 10th Strong Foundations-A good handstand is build up on a strong Foundation, much like everything else in life. In this workshop we will work on strength, mobility, range of motion of wrists, Elbows and shoulders. Wrist, shoulder and hip alignment for handstands
  • Workshop 2, April 17th -Tight is light      Staying integrated through core makes it easy to balance in a handstand and also makes one feel light. In this workshop we will work on core stability, adductor strength & tightness and various core elements necessary for handstands.                                                                     
  • Workshop 3 , April 24th -Balance and bailouts - Fingers play a vital role to keep our balance in handstand, once we have aligned our foundations and connected to the core. In  this workshop we will focus various drills to access finger power and learn how to safely exit from handstands to remove fear and take that handstand to the middle of the room 
  • Workshop 4, May 1st - The mighty press handstand - In this workshop we will focus on various Drills and exercises to work on Press Handstand, Baby press, straddle press and Pike press.
                                                                                           I look forward to take you on this wonderful   journey of balancing on your hands.                
email: if you have queries.
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